“The appeal of the sound of this group is rather in the indomitable energy, dynamics and excellent technique of performance, which is demonstrated by a graduate of North Texas State Music school and her colleagues. I can only imagine how brighter these qualities are manifested in concert performance. This is probably why Ginetta is a welcome guest at any jazz festival. Ginetta’s Vendetta broadcasts to its viewers and listeners the creativity of jazz music and the spirit of joy and optimism that is embedded in it. Ginetta’s Vendetta's jazz is really cool!”
-Leonid Auskren, Jazz Quad
Ad for My Concert IN Jersey City, 207 |
2 Flyers from My "Build Bridges, Not Walls" Mexico Tour 2016 |
The Omaha Star article from my recent concerts in Swinging' O town, 2017 |
Ad for my steady alternate Wednesdays at Farafina, Summer 2017 |
Bellare MusicFestival Headliner: Patio Stage, Summer 2017 |
Poster from my recent Omaha Appearances, Summer 2017 |
Ad for the "City Lights" Sail, w/Ginetta's Vendetta, Summer 2017 |
Ad from my "California Adventure" Tour, Summer 2017 |
Ad from Sn Jose Jazz Summeriest, Headlining The Jade Leaf Stage! Summer 2017 |
This is an Ad Done by Rick Parma for his Jazz Blast!!! |
Poster from the Ill fated "Jazz Heritage" Tour |
Great Flyer from our Concert in the Park!! |
Outdoor Concert, Jersey City, 8/23/12 |